About ‘Kindverse’

Our Vision

“Remember, there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.” 

—Scott Adams

The whole idea behind ‘Kindverse’ is to bring back the old forgotten concepts of love, kindness, happiness, empathy, honesty, courage and healing. Our society has gotten grim and only our light can defeat the darkness that exists.
KINDVERSE is an initiative to help, heal and empower individuals so that we can make this planet a better, more peaceful place through our actions, words and compassion. It’s a long way to go but it’s possible. Together, we can make a difference.

My Story

My life has unravelled like a movie written by the Universe itself. Since I was a kid, my life was filled with life lessons from the school of hard knocks, depression, anxiety, trauma and absolute no faith whatsoever. I was an atheist who didn’t believe in the Universe, love or any good thing that makes life beautiful. But I was always observant and I refused to give up on myself. I knew my story was my own, my truth still lost within me and only I had the power to change the narrative. 

After experiencing several rockbottoms, I had my spiritual awakening in 2021 and a new chapter of my life unfolded. My connection with Universe grew stronger and my life purpose was unveiled to me, one step at a time. I decided to embrace my spiritual gifts and honour the Universe that looked after me, as a guardian, a friend and as a guiding light. It felt like my whole life was a preparation for my path and purpose ahead. I uncovered my divine gifts and talents to put it to better use. I have the gift of bringing back people to life, people who aren’t dead but who aren’t alive either. My biggest wish in this lifetime is to bring education, hope and love to the ones who truly deserve and require it. I am extremely grateful for everything I have and everything that is yet to come…✒️

About Manya

“Severe the ignorant doubt in your heart with the sword of self-knowledge. Observe your discipline. Arise.” – Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 4, Verse 42

Manya Upadhyay is a lot of things- a mystic, author, artist, psychic, holistic healer, life coach, spiritual guide, tarot reader, content creator, and motivational speaker, but before all of that, she is an enlightened humanitarian soul with a divine purpose to heal and enlighten people around her. With a gifted wealth of ancient wisdom and a channeler for universal energies, she has dedicated her life to uplifting, healing, and empowering fellow humans and preaching the profound impact of love, kindness, nature, spirituality, healing, humanity, holistic health, art, and peace. 🕊

Support her on her path to bring enlightenment, peace, and kindness to this planet!✨

Manya Tarot Reader Kindverse

Our Mission

Join me on my mission to bring light and positivity to people's lives so that we can co-exist peacefully on this earth and not just exist- but live!

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Lives Transformed